leading businesses

‏400 SAR

This portfolio aims to help participants develop and enhance their skills and abilities to increase their chances of success and excellence in the growing and competitive labor market.

30 Video
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Course Trainer

غير محدد


An advanced training program aimed at introducing participants to the basics of entrepreneurship, where the concepts of entrepreneurship and its basics are explained. And the features and advantages of entrepreneurship, and what are the schools of entrepreneurship and their characteristics and developments. Then the program moves on to develop the characteristics and personal skills of the participants to qualify them to become entrepreneurs,

Course Content
The concept and importance of orientation towards entrepreneurship
the beginning
Link to the trainee evaluation measurement tool
Techniques needed by the trainer and trainee
Training plan
The concept and importance of orientation towards entrepreneurship
Introduction and welcome
Definition of entrepreneurship and characteristics of entrepreneurs.
The course is offered remotely and in person
Factors motivating entrepreneurship.
Skills needed for entrepreneurs.
Risk-benefit analysis.
Concept of entrepreneur traits and skills
Personal traits of an entrepreneur
Administrative and organizational skills.
Financial and marketing skills.
Communication skills and building working relationships.
Transforming ideas into products and services.
Building a business model for the project.
Entrepreneurial ideas
Identify entrepreneurial ideas and their sources
Evaluate the ideas and choose the most appropriate
Transforming entrepreneurial ideas into projects
Steps to implement ideas and turn them into projects.
Choosing the legal structure and registration.
The importance of research and gathering information before implementation.
Market analysis, competition, strengths and weaknesses.
Develop alternative plans for emergencies and crises
Entrepreneurship and small projects
Characteristics of small projects and how to start operating.
Choosing the project field and idea.
Customer acquisition and retention strategies
Guidance, monitoring and evaluation
Introduction to guidance, monitoring and evaluation of entrepreneurial projects
How to direct the work team and follow up on the implementation of the plan.
Evaluate project performance and make decisions.
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