About the course:
Management is one of the most important functions of an organization because it helps in all other functions in companies. Management principles are considered the key to success in any business, so they provide guidance on how to manage the company. A successful manager is one who plans, organizes, and directs intelligently, in addition to that, he makes the right decisions at the right time.
What will you learn?
- The trainee should understand the basic administrative concepts.
- The trainee will learn about the development of administrative thought and administrative schools. Identify the most important modern trends in management.
- The trainee should understand what is meant by planning and its types.
- The trainee should know the concept of organization and its forms.
- The trainee should know his importance in management.
- The trainee should understand the terms related to direction, leadership, motivation, and communication.
- The trainee should know the concept of control, its types and tools.
- The trainee should know what is meant by making decisions, the types of decisions, as well as the methods of making correct decisions.
- For the trainee to know the job of recruitment and attraction.