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رابط أداة قياس تقييم المتدربين


توضيح لأداة قياس رضا المتدربين عن الدورة و المدرب:-

نموذج لإضافة رأي وتقييم المتدربين عن الدورة والمحتوى والمدرب و يظهر بشكل تلقائي عند الإنتهاء من الدورة.



توضيح لجزء التقييمات:-

يتمكن المتدرب بتقديم تقييمه للدورة و إبداء الملاحظات و الإقتراحات


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About the program:

Understanding time and being self-aware about its use is crucial to effective time management. Success is related to our understanding of the time frame for achieving our goals and achieving the timeline. At Halal International Training Center we provide time management techniques and effectively handle work pressures.

Target audience:

Those who want to develop themselves, managers, and business owners.

Program objectives:

  1. Learn about the concept and importance of time management.
  2. Avoid wasting time and acquire the correct methods of time management.
  3. Develop delegation skills to reduce burdens.
  4. Take advantage of the benefits of good time management.
  5. Dealing with work stress in your organization's environment.
  6. Avoiding the effects of negative stress at work.

Highlighting these skills helps participants in different professional fields enhance their performance and improve their management of time and stress in the work environment.

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6 months ago

سلمى صالح