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رابط أداة قياس تقييم المتدربين


توضيح لأداة قياس رضا المتدربين عن الدورة و المدرب:-

نموذج لإضافة رأي وتقييم المتدربين عن الدورة والمحتوى والمدرب و يظهر بشكل تلقائي عند الإنتهاء من الدورة.



توضيح لجزء التقييمات:-

يتمكن المتدرب بتقديم تقييمه للدورة و إبداء الملاحظات و الإقتراحات


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Description of the training program
This program works to provide trainees with sufficient knowledge in human resources development and to know all the key performance indicators and measures for employees, what are the goals of human resources planning, and how, through this course, it is possible to work in the field of measuring employee performance, as part of the specializations of the human resources specialist profession. .

The general objective of the training program
Introducing participants to the theoretical and scientific framework for human resources development and providing them with the modern skills and techniques needed in how to manage and develop human resources
This is to enable optimal financial and administrative decision-making.

Detailed objectives of the training program

At the end of the training course, the trainee is expected to:

  1. Introducing the concepts of human resources development
  2. Introducing participants to the concept and objectives of recruitment, selection and appointment
  3. Introducing participants to the concept and objectives of job description and arrangement
  4. Introducing participants to the concept and objectives of human resources planning
  5. Training participants to carry out the steps to evaluate employee performance
  6. Familiarity with the concept and objectives of training and human resources development
  7. Introducing participants to the concept and objectives of career path planning and development
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