The electronic attendance policy
The attendance policy at Halal Training Center aims to clarify the organizational procedures for synchronous electronic attendance. Synchronous electronic attendance refers to the virtual presence in virtual classrooms and ensuring the trainee's real-time presence during the lesson. Therefore, organizational policies and procedures for synchronous electronic attendance have been developed as follows
Electronic attendance through virtual classrooms is considered equivalent to regular attendance
Attendance hours are provided through synchronous virtual classrooms at a minimum of 25% of the program/course hours when training is delivered in an asynchronous electronic format for programs lasting more than one month
Attendance hours are provided through synchronous virtual classrooms at a minimum of 25% of the program hours in case of blended learning (whether virtual or traditional attendance) for programs lasting more than one month
Everyone must adhere to the attendance according to the program's timetable
- Trainees are required to attend at least 75% of the allocated program hours.
-:Attendance and absence are recorded, documented, and monitored according to the following procedure
The center's management oversees the monitoring, supervision, and tracking of trainee access to the electronic platform
Attendance and absence are automatically monitored and recorded for trainees in lectures through virtual classroom systems
Regular reports of electronic attendance are sent to trainers
Trainees are informed of their electronic attendance percentages on the virtual platform
Failure to comply with the minimum electronic attendance percentage - which has been approved - will result in the following actions
- Non-compliance with the minimum electronic attendance percentage (not less than 75%) will be considered as incomplete attendance of the training program and will result in the trainee being deprived of the certificate
(The minimum synchronous attendance hours (not less than 20%
- Virtual attendance is equivalent to traditional attendance
Absence with an excuse:
If there is an absence with an acceptable excuse, such as a supported medical excuse or a death certificate, the student is allowed not to exceed the minimum attendance percentage
Failure to comply with this condition may result in the student being asked to repeat the training program without additional fees
-:Unexcused absence
If the trainee exceeds the minimum attendance limit, they will be deprived of the training and attendance certificate
This attendance policy applies to all trainees enrolled at Halal Training Center, and we commit to ensuring that all employees at the center comply with it
Any violation of this policy will subject the violator to disciplinary actions according to the procedures followed at Halal Worldwide Training Center