Integrity Policy

Integrity Policy at Halal Training Center

This policy aims to clarify the importance of integrity for all beneficiaries of Halal Training Center's services in the e-learning environment. It defines forms of integrity violations, the actions taken by the center when such violations occur, and the measures to reduce their occurrence.

-:Concept of Integrity and Its Importance

Integrity is considered a fundamental value in any institution or work environment, including Halal Training Center. Integrity refers to acting honestly and truthfully without resorting to cheating or deception in any transactions or activities. In other words, integrity involves individuals adhering to ethical standards and laws, avoiding any unethical or illegal actions

-:Forms of Integrity Violations

1. Cheating in exams: This includes using unauthorized sources during electronic exams, such as internet searches or using written notes

Submission of non-original work: This includes submitting works or projects that are copied or stolen from other sources without permission or citation

Unauthorized collaboration: This can involve collaboration among trainees to solve tasks or exams in illegal or unethical ways

Forgery of information: This includes submitting forged or incorrect information in required works or reports in the e-learning environment

Use of prohibited materials: This includes using materials that are not allowed, such as books or notes, during exams or training tasks

Manipulation of results: This includes changing or distorting results in illegal or unauthorized ways to achieve better results

Bias: This includes favoring some trainees over others without legal or ethical justification

These forms are just some examples of integrity violations in the e-learning environment. Educational institutions and training centers face ongoing challenges in trying to minimize these violations and maintain a fair and honest learning environment for all participants

-:Actions and Penalties for Integrity Violations


Monitoring and documenting violations: Any integrity violations in the e-learning environment are monitored and documented accurately and systematically

 Conducting investigations: Immediate investigations are opened to verify the violation and gather more evidence if necessary

 Punishing violators: Appropriate action is taken according to the approved penalty plan


Official warning: For minor violations, an official warning is issued as a notification to the violating trainee

Exclusion from training participation: Violating trainees may be excluded from participating in training for a specified period

Loss of program benefits: Serious integrity violations result in the trainee losing all benefits of the training program and not receiving the recognized certificate

Expulsion from the institution: In severe and repeated cases, the violating trainee may be permanently expelled from the institution

These actions and penalties are applied according to the approved integrity policy at Halal Training Center, aiming to maintain the quality of educational services and ensure fairness in the educational and training environment for all participants.

-:Violations are categorized into three levels based on their severity

 Level 1 violations result in exclusion from completing the training program and refusal of registration in any training programs at the center

Level 2 violations result in exclusion from completing the program and refusal of registration for a full training year

Level 3 violations result in exclusion from completing the training program

-:Policy Application

This policy applies to all beneficiaries of Halal Training Center's services. We are committed to ensuring its strict implementation by the center's employees, and any violation of this policy will subject the violator to disciplinary actions according to the procedures followed at the center